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My task today: name 5 food items I would take on a desert island.

Well, clearly the Crawley Clan would never willingly go to a desert island, so I had to modify the question a bit. Here’s what I came up with: if Mrs. Patmore left on vacation, what 5 items would she leave for Daisy to prepare in her absence?

DISCLAIMER: You know I’m not British (shoot!). I got these from Pinterest. I don’t know what they eat “across the pond,” but from movies and TV I’ve seen and books I’ve read, this is what I think the upper crust would likely dine on…


I will be taking a holiday, which, in my opinion, is well deserved. I’m putting you in charge of the kitchen and have provided you with five of my recipes. Don’t disappoint me.

Mrs. Patmore

If you’re so inclined, click on the links for recipes!


Yorkshire Pudding

Courtesy Food Network

Cucumber Tea Sandwiches

Courtesy someoneleftthecakeoutintherain.wordpress.com

Crepes Suzette

Courtesy seductionmeals.com

Victoria Sandwich

Courtesy bbcgoodfood.com

Eggs en Cocotte

Courtesy bakersroyale.com